Aleatorius Automatus

About the relation of the sound world and the image of space; Sound as design generator


This thesis project is based on the relationship between music and architecture in their common characteristics of describing space. The project consists of a research in contemporary music, the configuration of the Philips Pavilion, and an architectonic composition produced with an instrument entitled “Aleatory Automaton”. The research in the contemporary music provides the notion of composition in which sounds can occur, as opposed to prescribing what sounds will occur. In regard to the Philips Pavilion, the project exemplifies the process of producing architectural geometry based on sonic composition. The project aims to investigate the agency and the instrumentality that can provide a basis for radical experimentation in architectonic composition. Ultimately the project aims to demonstrate design tools & techniques that incorporates sonic experience, an instrument and an algorithmic translation process. The project as a whole comprises a web site that describes and presents the project contents; an aleatory automaton, an instrument that produces various combinations of notations; a software application that translates notation into geometrical surfaces; and a building design that demonstrates the aleatory algorithmic process.

Bauhaus University Weimar, Professor Bernd Rudolf, Associate Professor Mark-David Hosale, 2011